Dr. Winters Muttamba
Research Scientist/Monitoring and Evaluation Officer
- Group:Management Team, Research Scientist, VERC Team Investigators
Dr. Winters Muttamba
Research Scientist/Monitoring and Evaluation Officer
Winters Muttamba MBChB, MPH, DPPM is a Public Health Scientist, and a PhD candidate at the University of St Andrews; Scotland. His research interests lie in the area of infectious diseases (TB, COVID, and Viral Haemorrhagic diseases among others). He has been an Investigator/Coordinator on several research studies including: TB diagnostics, TB costs surveys, Quality of TB care assessments, Health Systems Analysis, TB case finding, COVID-19 Therapeutic trials, Ebola Vaccine trials, trials on natural therapeutics among others.
He has several research publications in peer reviewed journals to his name (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Winters-Muttamba-2). He is a member of the Virology, Immunology and Diagnostics working group of the COVID-19 clinical research coalition (https://covid19crc.org), and sits on the in-country technical working group of the East African Public Health Laboratory Networking Project (EAPHLNP). Winters is the Coordinator of the Epidemics Research Group (ERG) at the Institute as well as the M&E officer.